
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Three cheers for color (and Target)

In my eyes, Target can do no wrong.  I've even asked to be buried there when my time comes.  Have you seen their new color-soaked commercial?  It is so fun!  I love the concept, the music, the choreography and of course the products. Three cheers for color and for Target!


  1. that commercial makes me all sorts of inspired and motivated to add pops of color to our home. spring can't come soon enough...thank you target!

  2. I totally agree...I must have every one of the pillows in the new line...but I need money to get them all too! ;D

  3. HAHAH! That was freaking awesome! I'm a little obsessed with Target. Totally stinks that the closest one is like 3 hours away. Sigh.

  4. Hi, My name is Candy and I too am a Target Addict;) I Heart this COLOR commercial so much. Stay Fashionable! Love,Candy
