
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Day of School Photo Ideas

Let's pretend this blog hasn't been shamefully neglected this summer, shall we?  We've been playing so hard all summer long, I blinked and it had been a month since I updated my blog. I have the standard mixed emotions about school starting but it will certainly be nice to get back to a routine and my blog will benefit greatly from it as well. I have a lot to share with you and finally some time to do it.

I've been collecting ideas for a first day of school photo like I did last year.  These are all ideas I've collected via Pinterest.  You can see all of them on my Memory Keeping board on Pinterest.

If the first day of school has already passed for you, I believe that there is nothing wrong with recreating the moment-better late than never, right?

Here are some of my favorite inspirations:

I love a first day/ last day comparison and it doesn't get much simpler than this idea: a photo taken in the same location both times (this looks like a pillar at school) and the photographer added text afterward.  This is great because it requires no props, and uses an easy-to-find back-drop.

This photo follows the same concept: a brick wall- probably at the school- and text added later.  I love that both of these provide a snap shot of information about the child too.

Since sidewalk chalk is something most of us have on hand, this is a fun, colorful and still very simple way to get that first day photo.

If you want to add props, I love the chalkboard approach used here and this one as well.

This dear blogger has done all of the work for you for a first-day prop.  You can use her fun printable signs for your first day photos.

Theses photos are certainly more styled and take a little more time to plan but are oh-so-cute! I love the setting for this photo.

The next  photo uses simpler props but is a similar concept- I didn't post the photo to my blog because it has the photographer's copyright on it but you can click here to see the photo- SO CUTE!

Good luck snapping your first-day photos!