I'm in the process of a little re-design project on my kids' bathroom. I guess I can't really call it a re-design. To re-do something you would have to have done something with it first. Their bathroom has been shamefully untouched as far as decorating is concerned.
Someday soon I will have the project finished and some pictures to share. In the mean time, I wanted to show you the top two contenders for shower curtains.
I wanted a striped shower curtain, somewhere in region of aqua or mint. This proved to be hard to find online or in stores. I looked for months. I almost painted stripes on white shower curtains but really didn't want something that labor-intensive.
I finally found some blue-green striped goodness and was so pleased with it, I thought I would share. I was beginning to give up hope when I found these two beauties at Kohls.com.

I hung them both up to help me decide which to keep.
The curtain on the left- Oceanside-is more of a blue. The one on the right- Mosaic- is more of a true mint, with the darker stripes being teal.
I had a hard time choosing. I loved the linen-like texture of the blue Oceanside curtain on the left and after a lot of head tilting to look at it from every angle, it was crowned the winner.
You can find the aqua Oceanside shower curtain here and the mint Mosaic curtain here.
P.s. Of course they are on sale now that I've already purchased them ;)